Organization chart
The organization of the Italian Internal Union Navigation (UNII) is composed of an Council of 11 members which includes the president and vice president. President is an expression of the Veneto Region in which UNII has its base, while the vice president was appointed in turn by the President. These two senior figures follow the general operation of the association. The President may assign specific tasks to the Vice President, while the administration and management of the institution are entrusted to the staff.
UNII has about Forty members between public and private entities, represented by the member’s Assembly which meets twice a year in order to:
- clarify which should be the proper development of all activities under the annual plan decided and prepared by the President and by the shareholders according to their demands and market demand, as in the case of participation in national and international fairs;
- approve budget and balance sheet, drawn up by a single auditor on accounting data provided by the employee and already explained and controlled by the Council in the previous session to the Assembly.
The President, Mario Borgatti (Rovigo, February 2, 1935) is an Italian politician. He was an employee of the Province of Rovigo from 1962 to 1994. Provincial Secretary of the PSDI and member of the Party Central Committee in the 70s / 80s. He served as provincial coordinator of Forza Italia from 2000 to 2008. Even President of the Municipal Assistance in the 60s. Member of the Board of Directors – Vice President – Chairman of the Board of Trustees from 1973 to 1993 at the Hospital of Rovigo. President active Freight village of Rovigo from 2001 to 2007. Member of the National Executive of the UIR also – Union Freight Villages Rome. President of the Consortium Waterways Padana 2005-2013, Company formed in 2005 and closed in 2013 after reaching goals, created to develop the waterway network Po – Fissero Tartaro Canal Bianco and make it usable both commercial and tourism, promote and develop further the industrial areas along the canal, with particular reference to the area of Polesine. Vice president Consortium for Development Polesine of Rovigo since 2009. President UNII since 2008.
The Vice President, Sergio Vazzoler (Monastier di Treviso, September 8, 1940) is an Italian politician. He was a member of the district executive of the Special Law from 1975 to 1980, President of the Institution “Ente Gondola” from August 1980 to January 1988 in Venice Municipal Councilor for Transport and Public Services from 1980 to 1987 and all’ private building in 1989/1990. He was a city councilor in Venice from 1980 to 1993, a deputy from 1987 to 1992, contributed to the introduction of clear priorities in the realization of the works to address the problem of high water. Degree in Electronic Engineering, researcher at the institute Large Masses, CNR Venice from 1969 to 2002. Author of numerous publications on environmental issues, designed the system for the prediction of tides and realized the Tides Center forecasts. He chaired the Commission for the study of wave whose results were perceived in the Municipal Regulations on transport lagoon. UNII board member since 1991, has played the role of CEO Unii and Acting President. Currently vice president in office since 2008 and member of the Committee of the Federation of Inland Ports Brussels since 2008.